[Xbox-linux] kernel 2.4.35 and feisty = xUbuntu?
18 years ago
is it possible to change to latest kernel?
or should I just got to 2.4.32?

and just wondering if xUbuntu uses feisty packages?
kinda want to make a up to date ubuntu style distribution
for my xbox but if xUbuntu is up to date i could just use that
Luke Yelavich
18 years ago
Post by Daniel
is it possible to change to latest kernel?
or should I just got to 2.4.32?
It all depends on which distro you are running. As of Ubuntu feisty, you
can only use a 2.6 kernel.
Post by Daniel
and just wondering if xUbuntu uses feisty packages?
No. It hasn't been updated in a long while.
Post by Daniel
kinda want to make a up to date ubuntu style distribution
for my xbox but if xUbuntu is up to date i could just use that
Unfortunately, since recent versions of Ubuntu only work with 2.6,
nothing has really been done to make an up to date Ubuntu disc, as
2.4 is the only kernel that has a good FATX filesystem driver.
- --
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE
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18 years ago
Post by Luke Yelavich
Post by Daniel
is it possible to change to latest kernel?
or should I just got to 2.4.32?
It all depends on which distro you are running. As of Ubuntu feisty, you
can only use a 2.6 kernel.
running xebian at the moment
Post by Luke Yelavich
Post by Daniel
and just wondering if xUbuntu uses feisty packages?
No. It hasn't been updated in a long while.
Post by Daniel
kinda want to make a up to date ubuntu style distribution
for my xbox but if xUbuntu is up to date i could just use that
Unfortunately, since recent versions of Ubuntu only work with 2.6,
nothing has really been done to make an up to date Ubuntu disc, as
2.4 is the only kernel that has a good FATX filesystem driver.
just thinking about how often I use the driver and realized I have never
used it
what would take to convert to 2.6 then?
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18 years ago

The distro xUbuntu is not simply a version of XUbuntu.
Because xUbuntu is worked out of a console version.
Then the graphical environment was activated.
To get a small desktop environment packages of all repositories was
Mr. Hucek created the distro Xebian as a live disk and so did I.

Then Ubuntu community adopted the conception of live disk to dapper and

So you may think, xUbuntu (with kernel 2.4.32) uses feisty packages.


The founders of xbox-linux installed successfully linux on xbox360 and
closed development for first Xbox.

I developed xUbuntu (Ubuntu Dapper) for myself with a kernel 2.6.16-20-xbox
and never published it. The fatx driver works with kernel 2.6.18 but not
with newer kernels.

Mr. Hucek created mactel-linux. This way it is possible to upgrade my new
xUbuntu (kernel 2.6.16-20) with a mactel-kernel to feisty.
But I believe Mr. Hucek will not be very amused.

18 years ago
im not too worried about it not working with fatx as i never use it
i just want an up to date distro that works with mech Installer as most
don't seam to any more eg X-DSL, GentooX was also gonna try out this as
well http://elisa.fluendo.com/
Ivo Anjo ( [Knuckles] )
18 years ago
Post by Daniel
im not too worried about it not working with fatx as i never use it
i just want an up to date distro that works with mech Installer as most
don't seam to any more eg X-DSL, GentooX was also gonna try out this as
well http://elisa.fluendo.com/
Elisa is very nice, but it currently needs 3d hardware to work properly
(otherwise it's just too slow), and afaik there's no 3d on linux on the
xbox. (I think it's possible, tough, now that the nouveau project exists to
add support for the nvidia graphics chip that the xbox uses.)

